I am glad you asked! Because of the different kinds of projects we work on, our design process differs quite a bit. However, we can reduce our process into 4 phases:

Understanding scope and building out the design brief is a process that sets the context, defines the philosophical space and structure of creativity. The first phase sets our a framework for the project, be it a branding exercise, campaign or narrative development project, we undergo a slightly different approach, based around the two pillars of discovery and strategy.
Goals - We get to know what success looks like to you. The first part of any project we must understand our clients goals, limitations, and dive into our clients world.
Pain points - We dive deep with you to understand your problems, current pain-points, why you reached out to us to fully understand the problem you’re trying to solve with this project.
Delivery - The discovery session usually takes the form of 1-2 video or in-person calls.

A strategic phase is not always required. Specifically important for building brand identity, story and narrative. Depth of this phase depends on scope of work.
—Vision & mission
—Brand DNA
Delivery - Online or in-person workshops
“Practice safe design… use a concept.”
—Petrula Vrontikis
“Creativity belongs to the artist in each of us. To create means to relate. The root meaning of the word art is ‘to fit together’ and we all do this every day.”
—Corita Kent
The creative process begins, responding to the discovery and strategy.
Our internal creative process works around the ideas of play and critique.
Play - There is no wrong answer, the more we play, explore and drive ourselves to the extremes of the project scope and strategy.
Critique - We are critical in our nature as designers. On one hand, we free ourselves to explore, on the other we rigorously pull ideas and concepts apart. We are not attached to our egos.
Distill - We distill our ideas, and develop 3-5 ideas into fleshed out concepts. We will make these ideas as compelling as possible, using renders, mockups and relevant, contextual visualisations to help you understand the full ideas.
Presentation - The first project presentation opens dialogue with our client. It is the first show and tell. The first time our clients will see possibilities for their brand or campaign. We open up, show our approach, thinking, and why we are presenting these particular concepts. Designers love this part. We love to feel the room and see our clients' excitement.
Delivery - Concept presentation
Dialogue and discourse aid the design process in a number of ways. Our work must eventually be owned by our client. They must relate. Our client can feel ownership of the work from an early stage.
Dialogue - An open dialogue with our clients is a fundamental part of our design process. We run through three rounds of critique and concept evolution.
System design - Once the design articles, brand or campaign are finalised we place those assets at the center of a larger system and design everything within it's immediate being.
Brand/ system guidelines - Commonly through a brand guidelines, or campaign guidelines, this document covers the complete usage guides, construction points and manifesto for being. The document is designed to be used by persons inside and outside of the organization, from printers, to artworkers, designers, illustrators, photographers, marketers and other staff members. The brand guidelines should allow anyone to create an on-brand brand touchpoint.