Strategy · Identity · Guidelines · Website
Robin Bridge & John Liu
RBJL is a Hong Kong law firm specialised in intellectual property. With 2023 marking their 40th anniversary, RBJL approached BrandCraft to help refresh their brand identity, website and overall image. Founded in 1983, RBJL has a wealth of experience and recognition in the industry.

Working directly with RBJL's two partners, Anthony and Anthea, we started the brand refresh with a brand audit. We looked at every visual brand touchpoint, and understood current pain points the team experienced when using the slightly dated existing brand identity.
Through the creative process we focused on developing their original visual metaphor of bridges and "Connection". RBJL's core values of "Professional, Proactive & Pragmatic" were important to keep highlighted through the rebrand, achieved through the forward motion of the bridge.
The brands original orange was made stronger and more saturated and we also introduced the legal blue colour contrast.
The solution is a sensitively refreshed brand logo, consisting of the revised logomark, brand typography, and brand assets, combining a mixture of photography layered with the abstract bridge.